T4 TradeSniper ™

A client side application that allows for creating, charting and trading custom spreads. Pick the legs and ratios to trade and T4 TradeSniper ™ will provide real-time depth of market quotes for the custom spread. Chart custom spreads and add indicators and studies to take advantage of trends and trading opportunities. Orders placed in T4 TradeSniper ™ wait for advantageous conditions before executing at the exchange, thereby reducing the chance of getting hung as compared to cancel/replace auto-spreaders.
TradeSniper Charting

Spread Charting

  • Custom spread quotes and charts
  • Limit and market order entry
  • Backout parameters to protect against getting hung
  • Profile Chart of custom spreads
  • Open leg ladders with one click
  • Market History for custom spreads

Spread Trading

Place orders in custom spreads with the same ease as exchange listed markets. Orders wait for specified leg market conditions to be met before being submitted to the exchange, decreasing leg exposure. T4 TradeSniper ™ dramatically reduces the risk of exchange penalties that result from extremely high messaging or message-to-fill ratios that exceed exchange limits.
TradeSniper Trading

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Want to Trade Live?

If you would like to start trading live, please contact a clearing firm that offers the T4 platform. Click the link below to find a list of licensed customer firms and their contact information.

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