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Download the latest live version of T4 Desktop by clicking the link below. Once downloaded, confirm that T4 is not already running then open or run the file named t4clientlive. If prompted, allow it to make changes to your computer, then follow the on-screen instructions.
Latest Version is Below
T4 Live *Requires Windows 7 or higher. Windows 10 is highly recommended.
Download the latest sim version of T4 Desktop by clicking the link below. Once downloaded, confirm that T4 Simulator is not already running then open or run the file named t4clientsim. If prompted, allow it to make changes to your computer, then follow the on-screen instructions.
Latest Version is Below
T4 Sim *Requires Windows 7 or higher. Windows 10 is highly recommended.
T4 Mobile
Download the latest version of T4 Mobile for Android by clicking one of the links below. The download is available via the Google Play Store and the Amazon Appstore. You can also download the apk file directly by clicking here. Note that T4 Mobile for Android requires Android version 4.2 or higher in order to install and run properly.
To download the latest version of T4 Mobile for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, visit the App Store.
Register for a Sim Today
Start receiving real market data and experience the full functionality of T4 risk-free. Real-time data and full functionality are available for 2 weeks from the time of registration.
Want to Trade Live?
If you would like to start trading live, please contact a clearing firm that offers the T4 platform. Click the link below to find a list of licensed customer firms and their contact information.
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